Prom Our Queen Pattie dorothy 04-11-2011 8:07:18 AM EST
Prom was great. Lots of food and Mercy had everyone up dancing! Marie Janssen 04-10-2011 12:05:00 PM EST Sun is shining and the flowers are popping up all over. High of 80 today--- Yeah sue j 04-08-2011 1:54:39 PM EST well we got home about 10 a.m. today. had a great visit with pat's cousin in South Carolina. I don't think there any flat spots in south carolina. saw some really pretty country though. sure anxious to know how the new TV works. enjoy and have a great time. see you all in the fall. Renee 04-08-2011 5:00:27 AM EST Kaaoke 7-10pm Sat nite clubhouse with new 32" tv April 9. byob and snack Gail 04-08-2011 4:53:11 AM EST We regret to announce the passing of former resident Jean Moody. Please keep her family in ours prays. Renee 04-06-2011 3:54:41 PM EST Good job putting pictures on ladies ... keep them coming and teach others!!!!! Thanks Renee Glad u made it home Maruie, Thanks for the Luau Marita and Dorothy I am proud of you, I love the pictures Renee 04-06-2011 3:50:44 PM EST
Good job with your plants Dee love the flowers! 04-06-2011 3:49:31 PM EST Hi, Like to thank everyone that helpt at the LOUAUT again, best HELP,hope we can work together again.THANK YOU --THANK YOU Renee 04-06-2011 3:49:21 PM EST