Feroljane 06-05-2014 1:31:59 PM EST So sorry to hear of Jan's passing! She is in a better place now for sure. She will teach those in heaven the rules of chair volleyball. I missed her smile last season and hope that things ea for Henry. Shows true love for better or worse, sickness and health!! sue j 06-05-2014 9:39:45 AM EST so sorry to hear of Jan's passing. she will be missed. Gail RaymondCvlandings1@yahoo.com 06-03-2014 10:58:59 AM EST We regret to inform you that long time resident Jan Sherburne past away. Dottie 06-02-2014 3:40:53 PM EST Sorry to hear of Jan Sherberne's passing. She will be missed, but she is a better place and no more pain.
Wanda 06-02-2014 10:03:15 AM EST
Have a GRRRRREAT Day! Wanda 06-02-2014 10:01:58 AM EST
Good Morning! Sue Burgett 06-01-2014 11:16:00 PM EST What a great dad my dad was picked up at 445am by his guardian who drove him to the Kalamazoo airport flew to Washington, D.C. They had police escorts into town and fire trucks hosed their buses. Went to World War II memorial and all other memorials Arlington cemetery the pentagon Lincoln memorial tomb of the unknown soldier etc what a logistic feat all vets there were 80 of them all were in wheel chairs they flew back into Kalamazoo about 845 pm and were bused to wing stadium with police and fire escorts to a coming home greeting with hundreds of people waving flags ,signs and there wasn't a dry eye in the place what a tribute. They had a great time. First class all the way and something they'll never forget Renee 06-01-2014 7:23:49 PM EST Nice to hear from u Sue. Glad for your dad also! Happy birthday to Gail Raymond. marie 05-30-2014 8:21:21 AM EST So happy to hear about your dad's trip to Washington. I am sure he is elated. these veterans deserve this recognition. Good for him Sue Burgett 05-28-2014 11:14:43 PM EST Have been a little preoccupied. I have my dad staying with us he had bronchitis was hospitalized had to get him well so he can go to Washington DC with WW II vets he's so excited Hope everyone is doing well we miss you all Renee 05-26-2014 1:12:31 PM EST Thank u Dottie...
Wanda 05-24-2014 3:14:11 PM EST
Memorial Day! Wanda 05-24-2014 3:08:27 PM EST
Welcome! Dottie 05-23-2014 6:13:07 PM EST Correction on date for dance Sat May 24 Renee 05-23-2014 1:53:42 AM EST Dance Sat. night 23rd with Mercy 7-10pm sue j 05-20-2014 1:43:04 PM EST so sorry to hear about herb and sandy's loss. prayes going their way. Gail 05-20-2014 10:51:19 AM EST Please keep Herb and Sandy Taylor in your prayers and thoughts. They lost their son a few days ago to a heart attack. Wanda 05-18-2014 11:23:11 AM EST
Happy 72nd Birthday!
Barry Elliott Wanda 05-18-2014 11:18:50 AM EST
Happy 72nd Birthday! Wanda 05-17-2014 12:03:36 PM EST