the Sound of Story is the
dominant sound of our Lives


We come into the world from our first watery home, our mother's womb. In her beautiful book for all ages,  On The Day You Were Born, author Debra Frazier invites us to Touch Remembering that all of Earth and Sky welcome our arrival on Earth.

It is also good to remember that this journey is not easy. Who has ever seen a baby arrive smiling and laughing? No, we all arrive with a hoot and a holler, a warrior cry I like to call it, for the adventure of being born.

Here is a wonderful quote

" We come into this world crying while all around us, people are smiling.

May we so live that we go out of this world smiling while everybody around us is crying."


              Back to the Party ! Just arriving here on Earth is cause to celebrate every year.




Here is how you INVITE ME TO YOUR PARTY !


We have a wee chat or brief conversation about your BirthDay child or adult.The intention here is for me to receive some information on their likes and interests. I plan my part of the party based on your input and suggestions.I like to invite you to consider the BirthDay StoryTelling as a kind of ceremony, an honoring of the person.

Remember in the ancient Fairy Tales of how the Fairy Godmothers and other Special Visitors would arrive at the Birth to Bestow their Wishes.

Stories, Songs, Chants, Poems, Dance, Movement; Those are the Story Gifts I am bringing to Give. These are shared with All Ages that are present. This is the Present ! It is absolutely an offering of Creativity.


My BirthDay Visit is 1 1/2 hours. All the Guests and Family Members are Invited and urged to Participate, and not to separate  themselves in the kitchen or elsewhere. This is to add to the Festiveness and Fun for the BirthDay Person.



 and Remember