the Sound of Story is the
dominant sound of our Lives

                                                                                                      ........ to You !                                                                                                   

All of Life is Story

The circle of  the seasons we live our lives in brings us round

to the Gift of another sacred Year of Life


Here is the story of how January got its name

 In Roman mythology, Janus was the god of Gates, Doors, Doorways, Beginnings and Endings. Janus is always depicted with 2 heads. One head looks back and one head looks forwrd. His most apparent remnants in modern culture are his namesakes. One is the month of January when we do pause to look back and to prepare to go forward. The other is the caretaker of doors and halls; Janitor. Now that you know this, why, pass the story on !

This is the invitation to all of us at this time of year. We are all invited to enter again and anew into our own STORY. what happened, where did we spend the past year, how did we grow and learn, how did we express our creativity, how did we serve? Who are we now?

At this time of year,  I offer 2 programs.

The first is a Storytelling Concert of world-wide story, chant, drum and circle dance. A highlight is a Japanese folk tale about the New Year. Another is a fun, circle dance, very simple to learn !  with bells and tambourine, to say goodbye to the old year and to welcome in the new. This is lovely for children and adults to share.



I have performed at First Night Celebrations since 1991 in:

Danbury, Westport, Bridgeport, Torrington, CT

Rockport, MA

Monterey, CA  ( Picture below is from Monterey where my venue was a Rug Store, again showing the Power of Story to happen anywhere and everywhere!)Talk about being surrounded by ..... MAGIC CARPETS !




The second offering is a Ceremony conducted in a circle for people to reflect on the questions posed above . Then  there is the sharing with the group in a personal storytelling. Joined to this circle sharing is the group discovering together a way to honor the year's unfoldment and to welcome the new. This moves us into creating a ritual for honoring our journeys.