the Sound of Story is the
dominant sound of our Lives

Press Release for Moriah Vecchia

Ah...Wakening Wonder in the World StoryTelling

to Grow an Imagi-Nation

Imagine. Once upon an older time, people simply told stories; around the fire, sitting under the tree, gathered in a circle. There were stories to each, to delight, to provide answers to how and why, to pass on herstory and history, to heal, to preserv cultural traditions, to nurture aha and haha, to move us from laughter and mirth quakes to heart water tears to wonder and wow.

Now upon our time, stories continue to educate, enlighten, enthrall, entertain and communicate wisdom and wonder. This is the story of one who has been called to follow this ancient, sacred path as a keeper of stories, songs, poems, chantes and circle dances.

Moriah Vecchia is the founder and artistic director of Ah..Wakening Wonder in the World ! Earth and Sky Story Journeys. She offers programs and concerts that honor the circle of the year.