the Sound of Story is the
dominant sound of our Lives


 Inviting Your Congregation Community to Shine the Light on Story as Spiritual Nourishment !

World-wide Parables, FolkLore, Bible Stories, Song, Chant, Circle Dance, Drum

Thank You from everyone in the First Baptist Church community for your outstanding contribution to our Streets of Bethlehem. I want to write a letter of reference for you to use in the future to help spread the good news gospel of your wonderful ministry as a storyteller and dramatist.

Moriah auditioned for a character part in our Streets of Bethlehem, a special, living, history, sacred ritual and theatrical event our church holds every December to usher in the Christmas season. Our church grounds and parking lot are transformed into ancient Bethehem, complete with streets filled with townspeople, Roman soldiers, animals, vendors, Mary and Joseph seeking lodging, beautiful angels, and more. Truly, one feels like he or she has stepped back into that holy time and place.

When we saw her literature, we were impressed. We recognized a true performer. Instead of playing a townsperson, Moriah suggested and offered to become our Storyteller of Bethlehem. Perfect !

For us and for the thousands that come from near and far for our 5 night run, Moriah enthralled, engaged, enthused and left the visitors to Bethlehem eager and hungry for more spiritual nourishment. A riveting and seasoned presenter, Moriah is the consumate storyteller, using her voice, movement, gesture, timing, flair and pacing to convey the power of these ancient stories. We welcome her back for years to come.

The children, adults and grandparents delighted in her costumed character, in her animal puppets, and in the colorful scarves used, for examply, for making a rainbow in Noah's Ark. She used her drum and tambourine to lead people in a circle dance. People immediately respond to her warmth and there was definitely a joyful spirit of audience participation.

She is absolutely a crowd pleaser and an inspiring speaker. The word of God is alive in her. Jesus taught through stories and parables and Moriah Vecchia is continuing this sacred tradition admirably. I commed her to you for whatever event or occasion your church of house of worship is considering. She is a supreme talent in the minstry of storytelling and theater for the enrichment of people's lives everywhere.

Sincerely and Shalom from Bethlehem !

        Pastor Anderson and the Streets of Bethlehem Board of Directors     Salinas,CA

Dear Moriah,

The Board of Worship of the First Unitarian Society of Rockland County recently met and unanimously agreed that your time with us at our Mother's Day / Earth Day service was one of the most special we have had in quite some time. The story-telling using music and movement to encourage participatory engagement was inspirational, educational and right on the mark ! Saying thank you seems so inadequate for the time you shared with us. I hope you will come again soon. Until then, may this wee-tale encourage you to continue on the journey to experience and share new tales.

       Steve Gorman   First Unitarian Society of Rockland County     Pomona, New York


 May You Walk in Beauty and in Balance 

In Your Story

This Day or Eve on Mother Earth