What if you could design your life? You can, by first designing your thinking. Have you ever heard of Feng Shui? When you Feng Shui your house you help improve the energy of your home and your life. Did you know you can also Feng Shui your mind? Start by kicking back and imagining  you are walking in your home, only your mind. What areas would you clean up? What would you clean out and what would you put in?

Coaching  helps you to Feng Shui your mind. I know because I studied Feng Shui when I was designing my dream home. I began to see how it was alot like coaching.

"The quality of your life is the direct results of the quality of your thoughts." Roach

When I designed my dream home in the Applegate, I made a scape book of all the things I liked. This really helped my imagination to begin the process of creating my future DREAM home. It was also  helpful to show people what I wanted. Start noticing what you REALLY want. Cut out pictures, and start creating  " you have to have a dream, to have a dream come true."

My husband and I are now creating our second dream home in Costa Rica. How would you like to start designing your life?   Email this Site