Covenant Choir Notes . . .
The Covenant Choir will resume rehearsals on Sunday September 8th after worship.
Please think about joining the choir!
The current roster of members consists of about half who read music and half who don't read music.
Those who do read music help those who don't!
And don't feel that you have to be there for every rehearsal and anthem either...
All that is required is a love of singing praises to the Lord!
If you would like to be on the Covenant Choir's email list,
please contact Jan Stack with your email address.
If you like to sing, please join us!
Fall/Winter Choir schedule will be posted soon!
2021-2022 Plymouth Covenant Choir
Music Sunday - May 22, 2022
2018 Plymouth Covenant Choir
Music Sunday - May 13, 2018
2017 Plymouth Covenant Choir
Music Sunday - May 21, 2017
2015 Plymouth Covenant Choir
Music Sunday - May 17th
2014 Covenant Choir
Music Sunday - May 18, 2014
In Loving Memory of
Ann Taylor
2014 Choir Member of the Year
2009 Plymouth Covenant Choir
In loving memory of
Howard Saar
The Covenant Choir begins the regular schedule in September;
we rehearse after church, usually on the first three Sundays,
and sing an anthem on the fourth Sundays, as well as for special services,
all the way through to the following May.
There are no dues or tryouts, and you don't even need to "read" music -
all that's required is a willingness to try and a desire to make a joyful noise to the Lord!
If you have any questions, please contact Jan Stack at or talk to her at church.
Come sing with us! |
The Covenant Choir