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Welcome to my website..                 

Hi, it's Christal here, thanks so much for stopping in for a visit.  This website is dedicated to uplift your spirit and encourage you as we all struggle to face life's challenges. Thru my own difficult journey in life, I continually try to learn new things to change from my old negative way of thinking to a much more happier, positive way of living.  Although I still have my weak moments and struggles, there are many things I have learned along the way that have helped me learn to shake the blues off more easily. This is what inspired me to want to encourage others thru my music and book. The website will continually grow as I add new things but for now I can share a little bit of my music with you soon and I finally have a great motivational E-book at the bottom of this page that I hope can encourage and inspire you to be a happier you and reach your dreams, etc.  I'll be the first to admit this website is not perfect and I apologize if it doesn't line up perfectly on different computer devices but I hope you can look past that and be able to still be encouraged and get a blessing from the pics etc. I will have more and better music in the near future. I hope for now I can interest you in the book(below).  

For now just wanted to add a few of life's lessons I had to learn the hard way;.... Life can be tough... we all have our down days... just don't forgot to keep your chin up... stay positive. Put "action" to your dreams... "babysteps".  Take life "one day at a time"... count the blessings you already have...Try to always stay hopeful and keep on dreaming...Hope you have a great and blessed day!  PS. This website I started several years ago before the "pandemic" and crazy times we are living in the world today but I still feel it can be a blessing and encouragement to you, which we can use more of these stressful days we are living in. May God bless, protect and keep you in his loving arms until we meet him one day.  






























































   E-BOOK  (A Better and Happier You)
   How to have more hope, peace, dreams & success!





A BETTER AND HAPPIER YOU!   (A  E-book (Electronic book you download) designed to uplift your spirits, give you tips and tools needed, especially if you struggle with negativity, anxiety,depression and don't feel like your reaching your full potential in life.  (It's a quick and easy approach for adults (young & older, male & female).  Its basically tips & tools I've discovered through my own painful life journey on how to be happier,more positive, peaceful & successful and to be more balanced (mentally, physically, spiritually)  It's my way of saving you many years & hundreds of dollars that I spent on my recovery journey all for the bargain price of only ($12.50).  A special deal I hope you'll be blessed with! Plus, not only could it make your life a lot better, part of the money earned will also go towards charity for the poor and a animal fund. So you will be greatly blessing your life and others!  

A SPECIAL LIMITED SALE NOW ONLY $12.50   Change your life for the better!
and can give as a gift to a family member or friend. (Email the file)


                                                      Buy the book at this link

                                                   Make great Christmas, Birthday etc. gifts for others also
                                                         Free gift certificates downloads at sites like: 
                                       If you download the book, etc. instead of them, just send the pdf in a email

                                           My Recovery song I wrote and recorded and a Christmas song link:

                                                                                                                           or new site at 

                                         The Angel Book Project where you hear inspiring true stories and
                                         can share your special miracle stories also at


                                             Please write down website name now in case you lose the page.  
                                             If click on link, use top left arrow to get back to this page and
                                             not the top x or may lose the page. 

                                              Click Menu bar to check out all 10 pages!

                                              Any Donations on the last page also appreciated 
                                              toward my pet charity etc. 


 On the book link is a contact page, please reserve it for emergencies. As much
 as I would love to speak to everyone, my full time job does not give me the time.
 The website is safe and secure.  Thanks and God Bless, Christal