Coastweeks Coastal Art Contest -
August 23rd - September 21st, 2003   
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Coastweeks 2003, a national celebration of the nation’s water and shorelines, has created a variety of recreational, educational and environmental opportunities coordinated by the Ohio Lake Erie Commission Office for all Ohioans to enjoy on Ohio’s North Coast from August 23rd through September 21st, 2003.

As part of Ohio’s Coastweeks 2003 celebration, the International Center for Environmental Arts (ICEA) will hold the Official Coastweeks 2003 Art and Essay contest for Children. The contest will portray important issues about Lake Erie through Art focusing on the natural beauty, history and future uses. David Jakupca, international artist recognized as the "Father of the Environmental Art Movement", comments on why he organized this area’s only comprehensive art/environment program for young children at ICEA……"to plan strategies of sustainable development for a Great Lake like ours that is endowed with renewable and non-renewable resources requires a scientific and empiric deep knowledge supported by a lingering bioregional educational action that needs to begin with our young children." These combined elements will eventually increase the public’s awareness and enable the protection of Lake Erie’s valuable and delicate systems. The theme, ‘I Can Help Lake Erie’, encourages young Ohioans to be part of the solution, not the pollution that finds it way into the lake." The posters and essays will be exhibited at the Great Lakes Historical Society’s Inland Seas Maritime Museum in Vermilion, Ohio all during Coastweeks 2003.

Call for Entries
United Nations Year of Fresh Water
Ohio students ages 6 to 12 will be eligible to participate in the contest. Students may chose to express their views and ideas on Lake Erie using a variety of media (e.g. posters, collage, fabric). Submissions must be titled and size limited to 8"x10". Deadline for receiving entries at ICEA is August 1st, 2003. Teachers are encouraged to consider the 3 R’s of Environmental Art: Recycle, Reuse, Reduce and use nontoxic materials whenever possible when advising their students. All entries will be shown during Coastweeks 2003. In October, there will be an award ceremony at a time and place to be announced.

Special Ohio Bicentennial Event
Mr. Michael Bryan, director of ICEA’s Indigenous Peoples Office ( ) will facilitate a special entry for Ohio's Native American Children. This bioregional entry will focus on the Lake Erie Shoreline is it was prior to organized European settlement. It may also participate in these other Native American Bicentennial activities:
~ The Native American Homecoming at Flint Ridge June 4-8, 2003.
~ A traveling exhibit of Native American lore.
~ Scheduled gatherings to educate the public on Native Americans.
~ Recommending historical people and places for Ohio Bicentennial Historical Markers.


David Jakupca
Box 81496 Cleveland, Ohio 44181 Tel/Fax 440-891-8376

Carla LaVigne
Great Lakes Historical Society
Box 435 Vermilion, Oh 44089 Tel 440-967-3467

Christopher H. Gillcrist
InLand Seas Maritime Museum
480 Main St. Vermilion, Oh 44089 Tel 800-893-1485

Linda Zmudzinski
Jill Woodyard
Ohio’s Coastweeks Coordinators
One Maritime Plaza, Fourth Floor, Toledo, Ohio 43604 Tel 419-245-2514

© 2003 ICEA   International Center For Environmental Arts
Box 81496 Cleveland, Ohio 44181

Tel / Fax 440-891-8376        Email: