Welcome to Chulavista Landings
Active 55+ Community


October 4, 2022

43 Members were present.

The meeting was called to order by Deborah Iturralde.

The pledge of Allegiance was said, and a moment of silence was held, HOA President Deborah Iturralde asked the member in attendance to say a silent prayer for all the victims of Hurricane Ian.

Members in attendance were Deborah Iturralde, Janet Garay, Pam Rossok, Karen Sarley and Jessie Downhour.

 Absent were Charlie Schneider and Becky Burkholder.

Minutes of previous meeting held April 5, 2022 were read and approved.

Treasury balance is $330.00.

Marina report was no damage to docks or boats due to Hurricane Ian.

Welcome Committee report was given by Dee Alminde who thanked Donna Correll , Jane Nichols and Linda Swartz for their help in getting out welcome baskets for new residents. The Welcome Committee will resume as snowbirds return.

New residents were introduced, Angie and Glen Gamble, Tony Boule and Wendy Gallagher and Edward Musso.


It was announced that Bettys Park will become part of Chulavista Landings in the near future.

Fema is available to all residents who qualify and need assistance. CONTACT INFO HAS BEEN POSTED.

Deborah Iturralde thanked management for their hard work and for staying and updating everyone on the conditions of the park during the hurricane.


Secretary Becky Burkholder will present the proposed by-laws changes at the Nov meeting.  Copies will be given to all attendees and copies will be mailed to residents not back yet.  A cover letter with instructions how to vote absentee will be included in the mailing.


Volunteers are needed for the Nominations Committee.  Penny Dierickx has volunteered.

It was asked if we could get software for an e-mail format for those who don’t have Facebook and cannot see any communication in the park.  This will be looked into with Management.

The meeting was then turned over to Activities Director Sue Burgett who gave an update of scheduled events. These activities are posted throughout the park and some require sign-up sheets. Check the Clubhouse.

Deborah Iturralde announced that the next meeting will be Nov 1, 2022, Meeting was adjourned at 6:52.                                                                                                    

 Respectfully submitted by Janet Garay for Becky Burkholder

ADDENDUM: It was found that the cost of printing and mailing copies to all members prior to voting was prohibitive. Our 2019 By-laws require that printed copies be given only to those in attendance at the Association meeting. By state statute, the by-laws need only to be approved by a majority of members at a meeting at which a quorum is present. The board has opted to only print enough copies for those attending the November Association meeting.


April 5, 2022

43 Members were present.

The meeting was called to order by President Deborah Iturralde at 6:00 PM.

New residents welcomed to the park were: Darryl Howard, Lot 41

The Pledge of Allegiance was said, and a moment of silence was held.

The swearing in of new Board officers was conducted by past HOA Board president Joyce Turbergen. Officers sworn in were: President Deborah Iturralde, Vice-president Pam Rossok, and Treasurer Charlie Schneider. Members yet to be sworn in are: Rebekah Burkholder, Secretary, and Janet Garay, Assistant Secretary and Communications.

HOA Board of Directors roll call was taken.  Present: Jesse Downhour, Deborah Iturralde, Pam Rossok, and Charlie Schneider. Members absent were: Rebekah Burkholder and Janet Garay.

Minutes of the previous meeting held March 1, 2022, were read and approved.

Treasurer Charlie Schneider reported that the treasury balance for March was $89.48. The 50/50 raffle netted $31.00 and the Fish Fry grossed $859.00. After fish fry expenses of $547.00 were paid and Charlie donated $0.52, the treasury balance for April is $433.00.

Marina Report: None

Welcome Committee Report: None

Block Captain Report: None. Judy DiBono, who will be taking over Charlotte’s block May 1, asked a question which was answered.

FMO report: Mary Jo Hackett reported on what the FMO was doing. She reminded everyone that the FMO is a statewide membership organization that works at the state level, while the HMO is parkwide and works for the membership of the local park.

Old Business: The By-laws revision has been tabled until later this year. A committee formed of 2 board members and 2 residents will begin the process in May. If anyone is interested, please let a board member know. 

New Business:  It was brought to the board’s attention that 50/50 raffles are considered a form of gambling in Florida and as such are not legal except for 501 C3 charitable organizations. For that reason, the board will no longer hold 50/50 raffles.

Thank you to Marita for the lovely Luau.

Park improvements continue. The boat ramp concrete is in progress. The handicap handrails at the pool have been installed. The reverse osmosis water supply is making its way through the final planning stage. The clubhouse fridge needed a repair to the door and the convection oven malfunction has been taken care of. The clubhouse will be painted in May. Volunteers are needed. The clubhouse will not be open for crafts and cards when workers are present. These activities will be moved to the Rec Hall. The floors will be done in June and the clubhouse will be closed during that time. There is a call for framed pictures to decorate the walls. Fountains are being repaired. Fencing is being put up around the unsecured storage lot and fabric fencing by the pond and Betty’s Park. Thanks to Barry and Linda for the hanging flowers around the clubhouse. Dredging will happen away from the docks.

Thanks to Sharon and Pete Kennedy for their hard work on maintaining the park’s landscaping. They are retiring as of May 1st. A replacement is needed.

The Questions and Concerns meeting will be held May 10 @ 1 pm with Deborah Iturralde, Dale and Shelly Gray, and one other board member.

Sue Burgett presented a report of the Activities Committee. Several past activities and new events coming up were mentioned. Residents were reminded to check calendars for events.

The HOA members meeting was adjourned at 7:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted (based on minutes taken by Pam Rossok), Rebekah Burkholder, secretary




March 1, 2022

54 Members Present


The meeting was called to order by President Deborah Iturralde at 6:00 PM.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said, and a moment of silence was held.

HOA Board of Directors roll call was taken.  Present Deborah Iturralde, Jesse Downhour, Penny Swiger, Charlie Schneider, Karen Sarley, Pam Rossok and Jim Veeneman.

Minutes of previous meeting held February 1, 2022, were read, and approved.

Treasury report read by Treasurer, Charlie Schneider, indicated a balance of $89.48 after a pay out of two webinars total cost $70.00.

Management report was as follows:

Clubhouse is going to be painted in May with two shades of gray along with trim being done in white.  The Kitchen will be included, volunteers will be needed with any help.

Security fence will be installed across the open storage, but not completely closing it off.  At this time rent will not be raised since lot will not be completely secured.


New residents to the park: Nancy Rigley Lot# 380, Terry Darmody Lot #321, Greg Fersaci & Susana Herrera Lot # 237.


Election Report given by Manny Iturralde:  150 votes cast plus 19 absentee totaling 169 votes. 

Marina Report: None

Welcome Committee Report: Dee reported they are busily working on getting the 2021 and 2022 people their packets along with their muffins.  She also thanked everyone for their donations of baskets.

Block Captain Report given by Karen Sarley:  Due to one of our block captains, Charlotte Brothers leaving the park, Judy DeBono has graciously taken over Charlotte’s block.


Old Business: Fish Fry March 26th 4-6 at the Clubhouse.  Tickets must be purchased ahead of time at the cost of $7.00 apiece.  Residents must bring their own eating utensils and plates, trays etc.  Menu: fried fish, French fries, mac/cheese, coleslaw, and tea.  There will only be 100 tickets available for purchase. 


The by law review has been postponed due to the new updated version of the Florida statute 723.  The board is asking for a couple people from the park to sit with them and work with revising the by-laws.  The plan is to start this in May if anyone is interested, please let a board member know. 

50/50 Drawing that were sold during the meeting will be drawn at the end of the night.


New Business:  New officers in the HOA are selected every year.  People run for the position to be on the board and at the end of the meeting where you are sworn in, the board then meets afterwards and selects the officers for the upcoming year.  The term for an officer is one year and the term for a board member is two years.  The new members  will serve for 2022 and 2023.  The three positions that will be available in 2023 are Deborah’s, Jesse’s, and Charles’s.


Sue Burgett, Activities President, Thanked everyone for their votes.  She gave information on all the upcoming activities.   Activities are listed on the monthly activities calendar and posted at the clubhouse.

Sue and Bill Wilson have graciously accepted to take over Hot Dog Tuesday since Mike and Cindy are leaving. 

 Sue also said that $2500 was made from the This and That sale.

Also 126 people signed up for the block party but only about 70 people showed up.  This will never happen again, from now on tickets will be sold.  If you show up, then you will get your money back for the ticket. 

FMO Representative: Mary Jo Hackett welcomed the new members to the park.  She gave out some brief information on what the FMO does for mobile home parks.  Mary Jo gave information on how to become an FMO member.

The 50/50 drawing was held and the winner of $34.50 was Karen Sarley.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:50 PM


Respectfully Submitted, Penny Swiger



FEBRUARY 1, 2022



The meeting was called to order by President, Deborah Iturralde at 6:00 PM.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said and a moment of silence was held.

HOA Board of Directors roll call was taken.  Present were Deborah Iturralde, Jesse Downhour, Charlie Schneider, Karen Sarley, Pam Rossok and Jim Veeneman.  Absent was Penny Swiger.

Minutes of the previous meeting held January 4, 2022, were read and approved.

Treasury report, read by Treasurer, Charlie Schneider, indicated a balance of $159.48.

Management report was as follows:

     Reminder that all residences must have street address and lot number prominently displayed.  Also each mobile must have an attached mailbox, preferably with a cover, for park mail.

     Block party, scheduled for February 20, 2022, will be held in the Clubhouse due to forecasted inclement weather.  Food, provided by the Activity Committee will be served 12 to 1 PM and entertainment by Kevin Brooks, provided by the Managers, will be presented from 1 to 4.  If attending, please sign sheet located on clubhouse porch.  Masks are recommended.

     There is an ongoing problem with water leaks that Management is aware of and  working to correct.

Marina Report – None

Block Captains Report – None

Welcome Committee Report – Dee reported that the committee is busy getting information and stuffing packets.  Each new resident receives a packet and muffins from the committee.

FMO Representative – Mary Jo informed us that FMO.org has an access portal for a copy of Chapter 723.  Enter the site and click on the Legal tab. This will give you the ability to review the Chapter.

     University of Florida Extension service is presenting a 2-hour virtual program on “How to Close up Your Home.”  This will be presented February 4, at 9 AM.  For those interested, please give Mary Jo your email and she will forward the sign- up information.

Election Committee –

     Manny introduced the candidates who were present.  Sue Janssen, Activity Vice President and Karen Peterman, Activity Treasurer, were than elected by acclamation since they are running unopposed.  Manny reminded us that voting is Tuesday, February 15, on the clubhouse porch.  Absentee ballots are available from him.

Old Business –

     The proposed revised by-laws were to be discussed at this meeting but,  due to significant changes to the 2021 Federal  Florida*Statute, which was recently posted, the Board has made the decision to postpone the vote until next fall.  The HOA Board will work during the summer to add the updates posted in the most recent FS 723.

     In an effort for the Board to make the money that will be needed for Certification Training for new Board members, the Board is sponsoring a fish fry dinner on March 26 at 4:00. Tickets will be sold prior to event. Cost TBD. We will also be selling 50-50 tickets at upcoming HOA meetings.  The 50-50 sale was due to start at this meeting but was tabled due to Covid.

New Business –

    The new HOA Board members, elected in the February 15 elections, will be sworn in at the March 1 HOA Meeting.  Immediately after that meeting, the Board will meet to elect officers.  Those officers will be sworn in at the April 5 meeting.

     The Activity Committee yearly audit report was read by Bill Dohn.  The Audit Committee found  no discrepancies in the books.

     Sue Burgett, Activities President, gave information on all upcoming activities.  Activities are listed on the monthly activities calendar and posted at the clubhouse.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:40.


Respectfully Submitted, Karen Sarley

*Amended by Deborah Iturralde post meeting March 7, 2022




Congratulations to our newest Board members: Becky Burkholder and Janet Garay. The rest of the Board: Deborah, Jesse, Charlie, Karen, and Pam look forward to working with you both. These new members will be sworn in at the HOA meeting on Tuesday, March 1st. New Board officers will be selected within the Board at the end of the March meeting and will be sworn in at the April 5th meeting. We thank every candidate who stepped up to offer their service and commitment to the HOA.

The Fish Fry is March 26th at 4:00 at Clubhouse. We are working out ticket prices and hope to announce at the meeting. Menu includes fried fish, French fries, mac & cheese and coleslaw, unsweetened tea and water. You will need to bring your eating utensils and trays. Tickets will be available from any Board member.

Next meeting is March 1st at 6:00 pm in the Clubhouse and the BOD meeting is the Thursday prior at 1:00 in the Recreation Hall.

See you there, Deborah Iturralde, HOA President



DECEMBER 7, 2021



The meeting was called to order by President, Deborah Iturralde at 6:00 PM.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said and a moment of silence was held.

There were no new members in attendance.

HOA Board Roll call was taken.  Present were President Deborah Iturralde,  Treasurer Charlie Schneider, Assistant Secretary Karen Sarley, members Pam Rossok and Jim Veeneman .  Absent were Vice President Jessie Downhour and Secretary Penny Swiger.

Minutes of the previous meeting held November 9, 2021, were read and approved.

Treasury report was given by Charlie Schneider.  Present balance is $226.65.

The following Management report was given by President Deborah Iturralde.

   All residents must have mailboxes, for in park mail, and house numbers and lot numbers attached to their homes by January 15, 2022, or the park will install them and the resident will be charged.

   Storage lots must be numbered with your lot number by December 15, 2021, or vehicles parked there will be towed at owners’ expense.

   After any activity held in the clubhouse, the activity host must clean up the area used.  Please sweep the floor and wipe the tables.

Block Captain report:  Karen Sarley, Block Captain Coordinator, had  nothing to report.

Marina report:  Cliff Taylor, Marina Captain, reported that there were slips available for rent.  He reminded us that no one should be on walkway by slips except slip leasers.  The boat launch area has been cleaned up by the park and looks much better.  He also reminded us to enjoy the wild life but don’t go near them or feed them.  Our ecosystem is fragile and we should all work to protect it.

The Welcome Committee was introduced as follows:  Dee Alminde, Janet Garay,  Donna Correll, and Judy DeBono.  Pam Rossok was thanks for her efforts in establishing this committee.


Our recycling program has been stopped again due to the paperwork and hassle involved.  The recycle bins will be removed from the Clubhouse.  Wanda and Dan Keefer were thanked for their effort to get this program started again.

Storage is still needed for items designated for the This and That sale to be held in February.  Anyone with an empty trailer that could be used, please contact Sue Burgett, Activity Committee President.

Deborah announced that the revision of our By-laws is still ongoing.  The HOA Board hopes to have the revisions completed and ready for review by the members by our February meeting.  Members would then have a month to review them and hopefully have a vote taken in March or April.


Discussion was held concerning how our By- laws address the time of nominations and elections of the HOA Board of Directors versus what is written in FS Chapter 723.  Although our By-laws state nominations will be held in January, Chapter 723 states that nominations must be made at a meeting of the members at least 30 days before our annual meeting.  Since our annual meeting is normally held in January, our By-laws are in violation of FS Chapter 723 and the statute has precedence over our By-laws.  In an effort to be in compliance with Chapter 723, nominations will be taken this evening at our December HOA meeting.  Nominations will be taken again at our January meeting with voting for officers being held in February.

 Manny Iturralde, Chairman of the Nominating/Elections Committee, introduced his committee which includes Wanda Keefer, Sharon Kennedy, Penny Dierickx, and Teresa Grant.  Nominations were then accepted.  The following were nominated for the HOA Board of Directors:  Pam Rossok, Karen Sarley, and Janet Garay.  Nominated for the Activities Committee were:  President, Sue Burgett, Vice President, Sue Janssen, Treasurer, Karen Peterman, and members at large Karen Allen, Karen Downhour, and Maggie Burrgoyne.   The Trustee Committee nominees included Charlie Brothers and Penny Dierickx.

Chairman Manny Iturralde reminded all nominees that a short bio of their background and experience was due to him by January 18, 2022.

Sue Burgett, President of the Activities Committee, gave a listing of all activities scheduled for December.  She informed us that daily activities will no longer be posted on the white board at the clubhouse.  Only special activities will be posted there.  For a listing of daily activities, please see the park phone book or the activity calendar insert in the December Chattings.  Hymn sing is returning and will be held every Thursday in the clubhouse, at 7:00 PM, and will be hosted by Dennis and Becky Burkholder.  Anyone interested in helping them or adding to the program, please contact them.  The next Activities Committee meeting will be held December 14 at 9:00 AM.  Sue thanked all the volunteers who have been so helpful at all our events.  Special thanks went out to Marita Stroud and her decorating committee for the beautiful Christmas decorations in the clubhouse.

For the Good of the Park:  A discussion was held regarding the Concern Form and length of time taken for an answer to be given by Management.  President Deborah Iturralde stated she would discuss any problems with Management.

A question was raised regarding Spectrum installing WiFi in the clubhouse as we were previously promised.  Deborah stated that Spectrum is currently working on a problem which concerns the security involved.

Meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM.

Respectfully Submitted, Karen Sarley, Acting Secretary



NOVEMBER 9, 2021


The meeting was called to order by President, Deborah Iturralde at 6:00 PM. 

The Pledge of Allegiance was said and a moment of silence was held.

New members introduced were Frank and Patty Abshire who live at Lot 325.

HOA Board roll call was taken. Present were; President Deborah Iturralde, Vice President Jesse Downhour, Treasurer Charlie Schneider, Assistant Secretary Karen Sarley, members Pam Rossok and Jim Veeneman, absent was Secretary Penny Swiger. 

Minutes of the previous meeting held October 5, 2021 were read. Several corrections were noted in the dates of the activities being held. Minutes were approved as amended. 

Treasury report was given by Charlie Schneider. Present balance is $226.65

President Iturralde gave thanks to Michelle Kissman for painting the mural on the retaining wall on Moonraker Drive. Thanks were also given to Marita Stroud, Linda Schwartz, and Ginny Logan for decorating our Thanksgiving tree in the clubhouse. 

President Iturralde gave the following information as requested by the Park Managers:

November 22, 2021, covers will be installed on the pool and bocce ball court.

Improvements to the boat dock are currently on hold pending approval by the EPA. 

Problems with the water pipes is an ongoing situation. Management is currently repairing and replacing old water pipes and gave apologies for the inconvenience involved. 

There are still new phone books at the office for all residents who have not picked theirs up as yet. 

Marina report: None given

FMO: In the absence of our FMO representative, Mary Jo Hackett, President Iturralde reported several changes that are posted in the current FMO magazine and explained the consolidated legal fund. Part of our FMO membership dues go to fund a pact that represent us in all state legislature. All HOA members were urged to join the FMO.

Wild animal spotting are down and we were reminded not to put our trash out by the curb until the morning of trash pick-up.


Some residents are reporting slow internet service. If you are having this problem, please call the Special Spectrum number. This number can be found in the park phone book and posted at the mail huts. 

President Iturralde shared Management's request that all residents use the concern form to communicate concerns or issues within the park. She explained this request is due to the fact that Management can not see or know of everything that is happening in the park. She read the purpose of the form and expressed the concern that seeing and not saying often causes all of our residents to be deprived of a privilege or to the pay the cost of someone not abiding by the Rules and Regulations. The confidentiality of the form was stressed and Management's quick response when notified of a situation was noted. Management is committed to equal and fair treatment of all residents in an effort to make our park a great place to live. 

Reminder that the park speed limit is 10 MPH. Many delivery trucks are not adhering to this posted speed limit. If you observe this, please complete a concern form with the license plate number if possible. These forms may be found in the Rec Center or the office. Please take completed forms to the office. 

New car identification stickers are available and may be picked up at the office.

The dog park will be moved to Bosum Lane along the railroad tracks. Sod is currently being put down over the dirt and sand. 

The volunteer committee has been formed and will post a listing at the clubhouse for all those who are willing to volunteer for various activities and events. Those willing to volunteer should sign the list. Volunteers are always needed and appreciated. 

Manny Iturralde was introduced as this years nominating committee chairman. If you are interested in volunteering to serve on this committee, please contact Manny.


The park will be resuming our recycle program. Wanda and Dan Keefer have offered to be in charge of this program. Our recycling will include glass and plastic items only. There is a list of recyclables at the clubhouse. Discussion was held. 

Bylaws committee has been assigned and is currently working on revising some of the bylaws that were found to be inadequate and restricting during the COVID shut down of the park. Revised bylaws will be presented to the members and voted upon at a later date. 

Our storage shed used to house items for the This and That Sale is completely full of donated items. We currently have more donated items and have nowhere to put them. Anyone with a trailer or storage area that can be used to house these items for a few months were asked to contact Sue Burgett, President of the Activities Committee. 

Bill Dohn, Chairman of the Trustee Committee, discussed the jobs performed by the Trustees and introduced the trustees that were present. He stated that two of the five trustee positions have expiring terms of office as of February. 

Sue Burgett, President of the Activities Committee, announced the activities and events scheduled for November, and said that calendars with all activities for the month, are available in the clubhouse. Also, all activities are posted on the white board in the clubhouse, at the mail huts, in the Chattings, and many are posted on the Chulavista facebook page. All five of the Activities Committee positions will also be expiring as of February. 

Meeting adjourned at 7:05 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Karen Sarley, Assistant Secretary



OCTOBER 5, 2021


The meeting was called to order by President, Deborah Iturralde, at 6:00

The Pledge of Allegiance was said and a moment of silence was held.

New residents Dan Utchel and Rhonda Blosser, of Lot 327 were introduced.

Officer roll call was taken: Present were President, Deborah Iturralde, Assistant Secretary Karen Sarley, and Charlie Schneider, Treasurer. Absent were Pam Rossok, Penny Swiger, and Jess Downhour.

Minutes of the previous meeting held May 4, 2021 were read by Assistant Secretary Karen Sarley. Minutes were approved as read.

Treasurer report was given by Charlie Schneider. Present balance is


Summer park improvements were given as follows:

We have a new fence around the pool and new pavers have been installed around the pool. Pool will be closed one day later this week in order to seal the pavers.

Palm trees and Mangroves have been trimmed.

A permit has been filed to fix the dock and boat ramp.

Some sewer lines have been removed and replaced.

Management is still working on reverse osmosis.

Marina report: none given

Welcome Committee: Looking for volunteers to help make and distribute welcome packets.

New Board member, Jim Veeneman, who is filling the vacancy left when Mary Jo Hackett resigned, was introduced and then sworn in by President Deborah lturralde.

New Business:

Service dog owners have been requested to have their dog wear a service dog scarf when they are out in the park.

Our Spectrum system is up and in operation. Residents who have been away and are now returning to the park were reminded to not call the Spectrum regular phone number for service but the special number for our group. The number has been previously posted but if you need it please contact Deborah lturralde.

Members were reminded that NO NEW rules have been written but the rules and regulations that have been in effect are now being enforced by the new Park Managers. If you have a concern, please complete a Concern Form. Blank forms may be found in the Recreation Hall or may be obtained from the office.

Please DON'T feed any wild animals and please do not put your trash out at the curb until the morning of pick-up. Raccoons and other wild animals are attracted to and have been getting into the trash that is put out the night before.

The current location of the Dog Park will have to be moved if we install the reverse osmosis system. There are several options open for the new location and Management would like suggestions from the dog owners in the park.

The HOA is establishing a Volunteer Committee. A sheet will be posted at the Club House so you can sign up if you are interested in volunteering. There are many positions open for volunteering.

The HOA Board is currently in the process of appointing an Election

Committee and will announce this committee at the November meeting.

There are four positions on the Board of Directors that have expiring terms.

Good of the Park:

Compliments were given to the office staff and Linda Swartz regarding the new phone books. They are much appreciated and all the hard work in publishing them was recognized.

A contract for Security Cameras is pending and awaiting the arrival of parts by the company involved.

Questions were posed as to why dog owners cannot let their dogs be unleashed in their own yards. Deborah explained the danger involved and the reasons for the rule. Much discussion was held and Deborah suggested that the owners objecting to this rule sign a petition to present to the owner.

The edging of curbs in the park is not completed as yet. Completion is pending return of a park maintenance employee who has been off due to surgery.

Management was commended for flushing the pipes in the park and many residents remarked on better smelling water.

Question was asked as to whether all the pond banks are going to be reinforced with stone as some have recently been done. This is unknown at this time. Deborah will pose the question to management.

Karen Peterman of the Activities Committee gave the following information:

Summer hot dog Tuesday will be over at the end of October. Winter hot dog Tuesday will resume in November but the specific date is currently unknown and will be announced at a later time.

Karaoke will be held this Saturday, October 9, in the Club House from 7 10 PM.

Monday night bingo will resume on November 15, in the Club House starting at 6:30.

Saturday, October 30, is our Halloween dance in the Club House from 7 10 PM.

The Committee is currently working on a Veteran's Day program. They are in need of suggestions.

Food collection for the Food Banks will be November 9. The Block Captains will be delivering bags prior to that and you can deliver your full bag to Lot 277 or put it by your curb for pick up by the committee on November 9.

We are no longer recycling due to closure of the nearest recycling plant.

Activities Committee meeting are currently being held once a month on a Tuesday morning. The Committee is considering holding the meetings in the evening. More information at a later date. Hymn Sing will be starting in November.

Thanksgiving dinner will be held in the Club House. Tickets will soon be on sale and many volunteers are needed for this yearly event.

Ladies Luncheon will be held on November 17 at the Ybor Grill.

COVID booster shots will be offered at the Club House with the date to be decided at a later time.

Please see the Chattings, postings at the Club House or mail huts, or the Chulavista Facebook page for further information on all these activity announcements.

A question was posed as to how to start a card playing group. It was suggested that those interested put an article in the Chattings or post it on the Chulavista Facebook page.

The next scheduled HOA Meeting will be held Tuesday, November 9. at 6:00 PM in the Clubhouse,

Meeting adjourned at 7:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted, Karen Sarley, Assistant Secretary








Join us for piles of ice cream, yummy toppings and valuable information. All will be provided by Phyllis Laufer, Independent Agent, who specializes in maneuvering the Medicare maze. She is a great resource for those just entering the Med. Maze and for those of us who are still wandering around in it lost.

Bring a friend and join us at the Clubhouse. Sign up is required.





Chulavista Landings

Annual Meeting

May 4, 2021

44 Residents Present

Club House

6:00 p.m.


Meeting called to order by President Deborah Iturralde at 5:58 p.m.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said, and a Moment of Silence was held.



Welcomed to the park was Bob and Stella Dewey originally from New York and now are snowbirds living at lot 11.



Deborah had some announcements from our new managers/office as a reminder or if you’re new to help you to be aware.

(a) Shelly wanted to remind you with it being summer the office hours have changed.   Even though the hours have changed, she is still in the office and can be reached on the Chulavista phone.  At the end of the day all the phones are forwarded so please don’t hesitate to reach out in the case of an emergency.

(b) If you are leaving, please be very careful turning your water off since the pvc becomes brittle with the heat.  

(c) EMS is asking for the street numbers to be placed as they are graded on their response time.  Instructions for placement of items are listed in the rules/regulations.  If you already have something make sure its visible and on the correct side of the unit.  

If these items along with the mailbox are not complete by January 1, 2022, the park will then step up and do this.  There will be a minimum of a $30 charge plus cost of materials.

(d) Damian Brown is the new afternoon maintenance man who is first starting with edging the park then the ponds.  After the first edging every unit will be responsible for your own edging.  

(e) If you plan to leave your home for any extended period, then your home must be hurricane prepped.  If you have a contact person that will secure your unit, please give information to the office.

(f) Speed limits are not being followed by some people along with delivery drivers.  There are new speed limit signs posted within the park.

(g) The locks have been changed on the clubhouse, rec hall and storage room with the change of new managers.  Please make sure doors are secured upon leaving these areas when you’re done. 

(h) The Facebook group is growing by leaps and bounds if you are interested in joining.

(i) Pinellas county has dropped their Covid restrictions per Governor DeSantis.  Hillsborough has not and the park is following the county.  When the ruling is changed the park will abide.  


Deborah then turned the floor over to Penny Swiger secretary for Rollcall.  

Officers Rollcall was taken:  Present were President Deborah Iturralde, Vice President Jesse Downhour, Treasurer Charles Schneider, Secretary Penny Swiger, Assistant Secretary Karen Sarley, MAL Pam Rossok.

April 6, 2021 minutes were read by Penny Swiger, Deborah asked for any amendments.  Linda Swart said that hotdog Tuesday will not be done in June and July, only in July.

A gentleman inquired with a question about the pile of crushed concrete if the park had a contractor for it.  Deborah asked him to please see her after the meeting, he offered to leave his number for her.  

A motion was made to accept the minutes and accepted.



Treasurer report (Charlie Schneider):

Balance is $226.65 after an expenditure of $30.00 for Penny Swiger FMO Webinar.


MARINA REPORT (Cliff Taylor):

There are plenty of docks available with the snowbirds leaving, please come and see what’s happening.



Lot numbers are missing and making it difficult for Welcome Packages to be delivered by Jesse and Pam.

New Welcome Packages have been put together and one will be displayed on the board.



Currently the Block Captains have not had anything that needed to be passed out.


OLD BUSINESS (Deborah Iturralde):

Deborah said the quote on the pool and the bocce ball court covering have been delayed due to shortage of workers from the businesses.  Art was going to do the horseshoe pits but due to an injury that is on hold.

Dale has been working with the Port Authority and EPA to get the boat launch repaired.

The contract with TECO for the security light was worded incorrectly and that has been corrected and resubmitted.

The contract for Wi-Fi and cable has been given to Spectrum and a meeting will be held May 12 at 1:00 for questions with a rep.


NEW BUSINESS (Deborah Iturralde):

Management is aware of dogs in the park that do not meet guidelines but are said to be Service Dogs.  Everyone that has a service animal is required to have paperwork on file in the office.  If the animal is out in the park, they are supposed to have their service vest on, or at the minimum a service collar and leash.  Having a blanket policy will help the HOA or Block Captains if asked the question regarding this issue.

Bob Miller has started working for the park a long time resident.



Linda Swartz asked if the clubhouse will be open in July so hotdog Tuesday can be offered to the public.  Per Deborah, it depends if the county says it is safe to open and guidelines.

Karen Peterman reminded us that activities are listed on the white board.  

Emma said she will inquire with management if there’s going to be a 4th July dinner, so plans can be made for the Poker Run.  


QUESTIONS (Deborah Iturralde)

Any chance of getting a trash can placed in the mail hut on the clubhouse side?

The metal man will be coming every week for a pickup.

A motion made to adjourn the meeting and second at 6:40 p.m.




Chulavista Landings

HOA Annual Meeting  April 6, 2021 6:00 PM


74 Residents Present


Meeting called to order by President Deborah Iturralde at 6:00 p.m.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said, and a Moment of Silence was held.

Confirmation of New Board Member and Officers:

Deborah Iturralde acting President turned over the meeting to Joyce Tubergen to swear in new board member Penny Swiger  and the new officers Deborah Iturralde, Jesse Downhour, Charlie Schneider and Penny Swiger.

Joyce Tubergen read the Oath to the new board member and was accepted by Penny Swiger. Joyce then read the Oath to the new officers Deborah Iturralde, Jesse Downhour, Charlie Schneider and Penny Swiger and was accepted.

Deborah welcomed everyone for coming along with the encouragement and support she has received.  We are a new board looking for support and assistance; please do not hesitate to share your thoughts.

NEW RESIDENTS: Welcomed to the park was Reginald Stockley originally from Michigan and now lives full time at lot 319.


From our new managers/office as a reminder, or if you are a new resident, you need to be aware of.

      ● If you have anything in the storage lot secured/open put a sign in front of your item with the lot number, along with the lot number on the tongue of your item. 

      ● Please do not walk/drive on residents’ yards

      ● If you have anything in the maintenance yard in corner of Scuttlebutt remove it.  It will be locked up and you should not take anything there to dump.  In the recent Chattings, the guy who gathers metal will come through every other Saturday.  So please place out the Friday night before, such items as hot water tanks, gutters, aluminum pipe etc. 

      ● Managers have noticed that grass is growing over the roads and in rules/regulations it states this is to be maintained.  Please make sure this is taken care of along with weeding of flower beds.

      ● Dogs must be on a 6-foot leash, not tethered, and you must pick up after them including in the dog park.

      ● Snowbirds make sure your area is hurricane ready. Wall art removed, hose disconnected, draining hot water tank, lawn furniture put away etc.

      ● Activities has vaccine paperwork for second shot to be done on April 22 at the same time.  No first-time shots will be given. 


Deborah then turned the floor over to Penny Swiger secretary for Rollcall and two sets of minutes from previously to be read:

Officers Rollcall was taken: Present were President Deborah Iturralde, Vice President Jesse Downhour, Treasurer Charlie Schneider, Secretary Penny Swiger, Assistant Secretary Karen Sarley, MAL Pam Rossok.


March 2, 2021 minutes were read by Penny Swiger a motion was made to accept the March 2 minutes and accepted. 

Penny Swiger then read the March 16, 2021 minutes a motion was made to accept the March 16 minutes and accepted.


TREASURER REPORT by Treasurer Charlie Schneider: Balance is $256.65

AUDIT REPORT by Trustee Linda Schwartz

 She gave beginning and end balances of January 2020: $6558.00, January 2021 $6383.36 for activities. The Bingo audit was from 2019 $901.67 to December 2020 $901.67 with $472.00 cash on hand.

A motion to accept and approved was made

Attached is the audit report.


COMMITTEE REPORT by FMO Representative Mary Jo Hackett

Mary Jo told us that we thought the legislature was on our side, however last minute they are attempting to defund The Mobile Home Tie Down Program.  She urged us to get in touch with our legislature and let them know of your interest being a mobile homeowner. 

She also explained to us how well Florida is looking to others and how we are protected presently by The Florida Chapter 723.  The protection sets up regulations but without a bite and is only done through court.  We will eventually need to address this.

She has applications for people who want to join the FMO. For further information please see Mary Jo Hackett.


WELCOME REPORT by Coordinator Jesse Downhour

Jesse suggested Welcome Packages be brought to the meetings and handed out.  Some properties within the park still do not have lot numbers on them. 

BLOCK CAPTAIN by Coordinator Pam Rossok

Pam thanked all the block captains working with her by placing the Chattings etc.  She would like them to keep track of people without mailboxes and let her know.  She had them stand to be recognized for all their work.  Meeting scheduled for after HOA meeting.




Deborah met with management and turned in questions that were asked regarding rent/Wi-Fi set up. No answers to these at this time:

      ● Extra boxes on hand for snowbirds

      ● What happens to the box after purchasing if something happens to it (warranty)?

      ● Landline phone is not part of the bundle

      ● Do not do anything irrationally, hang on to what you have for time being

      ● Lines will be running to every unit hopefully by July 1

      ● Dale and maintenance will be trained on making the connection

Permits are being renewed to expand deck around the pool.

 A security company is looking at new sites for security cameras. 

Waiting on TECO permit to be able to drop a light pole in the secured storage lot.

All dead trees have been removed and possibly looking at getting a cherry picker for trimming our own trees. Suggestion was made for a woodchipper to go through pile in back and use for mulch if possible. 

Getting a  rock crusher is in the plan to crush concrete piles to be used at marina also around the ponds. 

As soon as information is available, Deborah will put on the website.  Sharon Honold is working on the website and trying to get a page just for rent info.  This information will be placed in the Chattings as well as at the mailboxes.


With the TV service we will have a Chulavista Channel which will have:

      ● a listing of homes for sale

      ● listing of activities

      ● Q/A section

There has always been a communication problem in the park. A suggestion from the FMO President is to have a “funnel” of information providers.

If you have a question it should first go to the block captain. If the block captain knows the definitive answer, he/she can share that. No opinions are to be given. The question should then go to the Board of the HOA, if the HOA does not have the answer, then the question can be taken to management. We are hoping to stop inundating the office with repetition of questions.

People were notified there is a computer in Rec Hall that may be used by any resident. Many brought up some people do not know how to use the computer.  Deborah said that the Chattings and mailbox areas will still be used for information and you can ask your block captains. 

Management is creating a Facebook page only for residents to use.  You will have to be approved via your lot number to be invited to the page.  It is only to be used for positive well being in the park, not what you had for dinner or pictures of your dog.  More information will be announced as it comes along for the Facebook page.



QUESTIONS (Deborah Iturralde):

Roof has been repaired

Horseshoe pit going in behind bocce court

If you see the EMS squad come through please notify Dale Gray at the corner of Scuttlebutt and Moonraker, lot 351.

Linda Swartz hopes by September the new phone book will be ready.

HOA meetings will be held through the first part of summer with the next meeting be May 4th then a June meeting per Deborah.


Sue Thanked Dave Herrilko at lot #25 for upgrading computer system in computer room and for new 24-inch screen at no cost.  Ink and paper are at Karen Peterman’s house lot 248 if it runs out. 

A beautiful organ was donated by Randy and  Barb Dake for use in the clubhouse. It has a memory stick with prerecorded music, enabling it to be utilized a lot. 

The county came in last week and vaccinated 48 people for the covid.

Activities are returning; see posted notices and please participate with all the activities offered to us.


A motion made to adjourn the meeting and second at 7:06pm










HOA NEWS by Deborah

Your new HOA officers are Deborah Iturralde, President, Jesse Downhour, Vice-President, Charlie Schneider, Treasurer, Penny Swiger, Secretary (appointed), Karen Sarley, Assist. Secretary (appointed) and Pam Rossok, MAL. Penny will be replacing Donna Farris on the Board and will serve the remaining term of eleven months. A vacancy still exists as Mary Jo Hackett has decided to step down and concentrate on her role as FMO Representative and her travels. Officers will be sworn in at the April 6, 2021 meeting.

Anyone interested in becoming a part of the Board should submit a written profile to be considered. Please submit to me or Karen Sarley. A selection will be made in the future.

The entire Board would like to thank the Nominations Committee for their part in printing and counting ballots. Their expediency was appreciated.

I would also like to thank the Rent Negotiation Committee and all the Block Captains that helped in the process of negotiating and the collection of signatures. It was indeed quite an undertaking in a truly short amount of time. All the efforts resulted in a successful process.

The committee does not have all the answers yet to some of your questions, but as they are answered, they will be shared. Please be patient as we continue to gather the information. Questions can be submitted to me in written form at Lot 322.

Let’s make positive steps toward our new normal here in the Park. Please welcome all our new residents and make them feel at home. Hopefully, we will see more activities resume as vaccinations are received and the life we love here returns. See you all Tuesday, April 6th at 6:00.


March 21, 2021


The committee met and tabulated the votes for the 2021 Rent Increase. A total of 172 votes were cast, with the majority -137- voting for the Option 3 (a 3-year contract with $35 increase each July 1st) and 35 votes opposed. A park majority of 50% plus 1 is required for the proposal to pass. The park majority was 58.798%

Mr. Marger was notified on Monday by Management. The plan is for the installation of television and internet to begin in May and be completed by July 1, 2021. The system will be run to each lot. Every resident has the freedom to have either tv, or internet, or both hooked up to their units. Residents may keep their current systems if they choose, and they may switch at any time.

Many questions have been answered, but Management understands that questions will arise. Please submit your questions through the HOA to Deborah Iturralde at Lot 322.




TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 2021 6:00 PM


There will be a Special HOA meeting called for Tuesday, March 16th to clarify and finalize the election of HOA Board members and to share the answers to the Rent Increase questions raised at the previous meeting.   These will be the only topics presented.

Nominations for BOD vacancies will be called for again and the floor will be closed. If a run-off is necessary, an election will take place at the Clubhouse on Thursday, March 18th.  All candidates must get their 100- word profile to Sharon Kennedy before Tuesday morning.




March 2, 2021


Meeting called to order by Vice-President Jesse Downhour at 6:05 p.m.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said, and a Moment of Silence was held.

Officers’ Rollcall was taken: Present were Jesse Downhour, Charlie Schneider, Deborah Iturralde, Mary Jo Hackett and Karen Sarley. Excused was Pam Rossok.

Jesse Downhour swore in Donna Farris, the BOD appointed replacement for Dale Gray’s seat and Donna joined the Board.

Reading of the previous minutes with approval

Officers’ report – Treasurer Charlie Schneider announced that no money had been spent during the last 12 months. The balance is $256.65.


NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE Chairperson Sharon Kennedy presented the three returning BOD and two Trustee members willing to run and opened the floor for nominations for additional candidates for HOA from the floor. Penny Swiger was nominated, and the run-off election was briefly discussed. It was brought to the floor that we were in violation because the election, per our By-laws, should have occurred in February. Deborah reminded the group that the election was announced in January and that tonight’s meeting was the first general meeting since March 2020. Sue Burgett stated that per FMO guidelines the present retiring members would be carried over one year. Deborah raised the question of what happens when all the Board then comes up for reelection next year. Sue’s response that all members of the Board would have their terms extended by a year. Mary Jo Hackett, FMO Representative, said this was not her interpretation of the ruling. Much discussion then took place. Marita Stroud made the motion that the topic of election of officers be tabled until Mary Jo could get clarification from FMO. The motion was seconded and passed. No further action was taken on BOD or Trustees.


NEW RESIDENTS: Jesse asked new residents to stand and identify themselves. There were several new residents in attendance.


FMO – Mary Jo Hackett spoke to the group, explaining the service and value in being a part of the Federation of Manufactured Homes of Florida (FMO). She encouraged residents to see her for membership applications.

WECOME COMMITTEE: Jesse Downhour asked the new members who had not received a welcome packet and several hands were raised. He followed up saying he would get a packet to each of them.


BLOCK CAPTAINS: Deborah gave the report for Pam Rossok who is the Block Captain Coordinator. She asked the Captains in attendance to stand and be recognized and explained how these volunteers can assist residents. She also said that the Block Captains would be asked to assist in the gathering of signatures for the rent increase agreement at the appropriate time.


OLD BUSINESS: Jesse shared that projects of the past – reverse osmosis, clubhouse roof, dead trees, and additional handrail in the pool were on a new timeline under new management and hopefully, we would see them come to fruition.


NEW BUSINESS: Rent Negotiation Committee report was given by Deborah, Chair of the committee. Attendees were given a handout of the first 3 options presented to the committee by Mr. Marger. She informed the residents that Mr. Marger had initially just offered the increase of $60, $30 and $15. A discussion ensued and Deborah told Mr. Marger that she could not in good faith present that offer to the residents. Mr. Marger provided the Committee with a handout of relative comps in Hillsborough County for 2020. Adjusted median rent for that period was $548. We shared with him a comp report from southern Hillsborough and northern Manatee Counties. When calculated the average median rent for 2020 was $565.

Mr. Marger then offered that with the rent increase residents would be provided with tv provided by DISH ad internet from Spectrum at 900 MHz, pool improvements and a light pole. A discussion followed with many concerns raised by the committee. Mr. Marger then offered an increase of $30, $20 and $15 and he would make some improvements to the pool area and get TECO to drop a light pole in the secured RV/Boat Storage area, but no tv or internet. Further discussion was held.

Mr. Marger was fair in explaining that he and his partners have to make a profit in order to stay in business and that residents would still be under the local 2020 rent average. When asked what if the residents would not approve it, his response was then it would default to the annual one-year contract at which time he could raise the rent a minimum of 7% and not have to provide any additional improvements or amenities simply because the cost of business was continuously rising. Deborah asked if there were ANY other options, to which he replied no.

At 3:30 on the day of the HOA meeting, Dale Gray, Resident Park manager delivered to Deborah an additional proposal of $35 each year for the next 3 years with all amenities included.

When Deborah finished delivering this information a large discussion followed with many residents having questions and concerns. Deborah attempted to answer the questions she had answers for and promised to get answers from Mgmt. or Mr. Marger. She proposed a majority vote ruling on the now 4 options. No votes were given for Option 1 $60/$30/$15 or Option 3 $33/one year contract. A motion was made to vote on Option 3 $35/$35/$35 with all amenities. A show of hands (one vote per household) resulted in 54 votes. A vote was taken on Option 2 $30/$20/$15 and it received 21 votes. Deborah announced that Option 3 had been chosen by the majority and residents would have their opportunity to accept or reject by their signature. A signature sheet was distributed with the Option number and increase at the top with a check box for “accept” or “reject.” Finally, Deborah said if residents want time, they could cast their vote when the Block Captains brought the sign-up sheets around and if they had to return home before that happened, they could send their vote via email to the office. A motion was made to conclude the discussion, seconded and approved.


Jesse then invited Sue Burgett, Activities President to the podium for good news about opening and upcoming events.

ACTIVITIES: Sue Burgett gave the Activities report. She announced that the Block Party would be held on Scuttlebutt Loop again this year on March 25th. Lunch would be served at noon and Kevin Brooks would provide entertainment from 1-4:00. Everyone who plans to attend must sign up at Clubhouse in order to procure enough meat. All attendees should bring service ware, their beverages and chairs.




March 5, 2019


Meeting called to order by Vice-President Jim McAllister at 6:00 p.m.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said, and a Moment of Silence was held.

Officers Deborah Iturralde, Secretary and Charlie Schneider, Treasurer and Member-at-Large Jesse Downhour, were sworn in by Mary Jo Hackett. 

Officers’ Rollcall: Present were Vice-President Jim McCallister, Secretary Deborah Iturralde, Treasurer Charlie Schneider and Members-at-Large Jesse Downhour and Mary Jo Hackett. Absent were Dale Gray and Mary Rodgers.

Minutes of previous meetings were read and approved.

Reports Given:


Treasurer Charlie Scneider reported the HOA paid $20 to Activities to compensate for toner used to print new By-laws. Cash Balance Feb. 28, 2019 is $281.65.


Wayne Tester, Executive Vice-President of the Region FMO gave report for Mary Rodgers. He had information and a form for permanent residents who might be interested in filing Homestead Exemption with the State. He reviewed the form and its directions. Deborah said she would make copies available in the Clubhouse.




          Penny Swiger at Lot 223 as the only new resident attending, drew from the 2 door prizes and won a free oil change from Total Automotive Services. Please encourage all new residents to get involved.



          Jim informed group that bids were being received for a new tree-trimming company. Management reported that the previous company wanted an additional $30 per tree on a new contract. It was determined by Management and the Park owners that a new contractor be procured with instructions to only trim trees as necessary and avoid the radical and damaging hurricane cuts done in the past. Trees in the Park will be groomed as soon as this is in place.


Deborah reported that someone is still turning off the mailbox hut light. This is a liability for the Park.

One alligator was removed recently, but a second larger one is still here. She explained the trapping permits are specific and the second gator will be removed when the permit is amended to two captures.

She reported that Management isn’t sure what is wrong with the handicap bathroom in the Ladies room in the Clubhouse. It always seems to be operating when it’s been checked. Ladies were asked to leave a specific note about what’s failing if they witness it breaking again and notify Management or an HOA Board Member.

Wild raccoons, foxes and coyotes have been seen roaming the Park. They are looking for food and will become a danger to Residents if food continues to be left outside for feral cats . Feeding feral cats prevents them from performing their function in the Park – to keep down rats, mice and snakes. All residents should be vigilant when walking at daylight and dusk.



Sue Burgett briefly addressed the issue of April deposits made by the Activities group. She asked that if anyone had a concern, they should bring it directly to the Activities Committee.

Sue reported that four new barstools were bought for the workers in the kitchen.

She announced a profit of $2400 from the Penny Sale and gave the Activities report of upcoming events and activities. Please check sign-in sheets.

The Activities Committee is looking for a new Editor for the Chattings newsletter, someone to do the Recycling  and a Host for the Easter Potluck Dinner.


Vice-President Jim McCallister called for adjournment and the meeting was adjourned at 6:40

Respectfully Submitted by Deborah Iturralde, HOA Secretary




January 8, 2019


Meeting called to order by President Dale Gray at 6:00 p.m.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said, and a Moment of Silence was held.

Officers’ Rollcall was taken: Present were President Dale Gray, Secretary/Treasurer Deborah Iturralde and Members-at-Large: Jesse Downhour, Mary Jo Hackett, Mary Rodgers, Charlie Schneider, Wayne Tester and Ron Thompson. Absent was Jim McCallister.

Guest speaker from the Hillsborough County Fire and Rescue, Ms. Vivian McIlrath, gave residents a brief overview of home safety. Falls are the number one call for Fire & Rescue. In a light-hearted manner she critiqued residents’ shoes regarding soles and safety. Good traction helps prevent a slip – especially getting out of bed first thing in the morning. She discussed that all smoke alarms have a 10-year life, even those hard-wired. She said this has nothing to do with changing batteries but with the technology/mechanics of the detector itself. She encouraged all to go home and check date on back of each alarm and change batteries twice a year. She also demonstrated the proper use of a fire extinguisher. Lastly, she suggested everyone on multiple mediations use daily organizers to ensure proper dosage, and always share information between doctors and pharmacists. She said overdoses are too common among senior citizens because they often have multiple doctors and sometimes use more than one pharmacy. Ms. McIlrath was very engaging, and the residents enjoyed her humor and the knowledge.


Old Business:

The vote was conducted on the proposed By-law changes. Ballots were counted, and results reported. They are as follows:

With regard to separating the offices of Secretary and Treasurer, the amendment passed 51 for, 10 opposed.

With regard to adding the term “Landings” to the title Chulavista Homeowners Association terminology in Article V, the amendment passed 51 for, 10 opposed.

With regard to adding the duties of the Treasurer in lieu of Trustee, the amendment passed 44 for, 17 opposed.

With regard to changing the wording of Article VIII. Committees to eliminate the “Activities and Security” to read “HOA activities.”  The amendment passed 45 for, 16 opposed.


Jesse and Dale brought residents up-to-date on shuffleboard resurfacing. Courts should be done within next ten days and a resident has volunteered to plane pucks if we buy new planing blade.



New Business

Karen Sarley-Wiant, Elections/Nominations Chair addressed the group and asked for HOA nominations for upcoming vacancies. The retiring members of the BOD were polled, and Deborah Iturralde and Jesse Downhour will be running next term. Ron Thompson and Wayne Tester said they would be retiring at the end of this term. No nominations were made from the floor for the HOA. A call for nominations for Trustees was made. Bill Dohn was present and stated that he would run again. The other vacancy would be Linda Schwartz’s position. She is on a cruise and will voice her intent when she returns. No other nominations were made from the floor. February’s meeting will be the final opportunity for additional nominations. If a run-off is required, Election Day is Feb. 19th 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Dale asked residents to be aware of safety at dusk/night and use lights on golf carts and bicycles. He also notified residents of a recent theft in the park. Items taken included a golf cart, a weed-eater, propane tanks, and fishing poles. Many of these were taken from an unlocked shed. Please lock up sheds, your home doors if you leave and secure bikes and carts.


Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved.

New resident Voss Fernandez and his partner, Lot 275, were recognized and welcomed.

For Good of the Park

Sue Burgett gave an Activities update. Many things are happening and lists are available in the Clubhouse and at Mail huts. Several trips are being planned so check for flyers and sign-up sheets.

Bill Dohn said he would be getting long tables to residents for the upcoming garage sale (Jan. 26th). If you need a table, put your name, street address & lot number on the sign-up sheets hanging in the Mail huts or on a piece of paper in the park mail.

Sue Burgett informed residents that an ice maker for residents’ use is being installed in the Clubhouse. It is for everyone’s use and she emphasized that all should practice good hygiene and put the ice scoop in its designated spot. No cups, bowls, coolers, etc. should ever be put inside the ice bin.

Dale shared that a tentative date of March 28th has been set for a CVL Block party. More news will be forthcoming.


The meeting was adjourned at 6:50.


Respectfully submitted by Deborah Iturralde, HOA Secretary


AMENDED: Dale Gray stipulated that the Block Party is not being don

e as CVL, but as a private party with an open invitation to residents. Several residents are helping to sponsor it and those attending are asked to bring something to share. A sign-up sheet will be placed at the Clubhouse.



December 4, 2018


Meeting called to order by President Dale Gray at 6:00 p.m.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said, and a Moment of Silence was held.

Officers’ Rollcall was taken: Present were President Dale Gray, Vice-President Jim McCallister, Secretary/Treasurer Deborah Iturralde and Members-at-Large: Jesse Downhour, Mary Rodgers, Charlie Schneider, Wayne Tester and Ron Thompson. Absent was Mary Jo Hackett.

Minutes of the previous meeting were read. Amendments were made, and minutes were approved as amended.


Old Business:

President Gray reported that the water usage study done for the Reverse Osmosis ultrafiltration system identified that the Park is using too much water per the Park meter compared to what’s being treated. As a result, the County may be installing individual water meters – not that residents will be charged independently, but to discover excessive water loss/usage. Dale shared that a leaking toilet could use 6,000 gallons of water a month. Often the Management has been unaware of leaks until adjacent lots have been impacted by flooding. Residents were asked to notify Management or an HOA member if they have a leak in their units, and if assistance if needed in remedying it, there may be help available.

Dave Sampson reported that the Shuffleboard surface will be completely resurfaced, and the job has been put out for bids. Work is expected to begin within 10 days. Pucks have been and/or are being sanded.

Dale reported that after meeting with Management, it was decided that the pool ladder we have now will be removed and two ladders will be put in just off center in order to assist Residents in exiting the pool. The new solar cover has been installed and volunteers are needed to cover and uncover the pool as necessary. Joyce Tubergen and Jinny Logan have volunteered to help but need additional volunteers. Dale shared that a pull-bar will be attached to the free end to make it easier to pull and not tear.

The downed palm tree is to be removed within the week.

Lyn Burgett asked for clarification as to why the Board felt the need to separate the duties of the Secretary/Treasurer, requiring a separate office of Treasurer. Dale explained that the Board hoped to sponsor revenue generating activities to primarily cover certification requirements for new Board members. Current Secretary is prohibited from serving as a treasurer due to her employment. This situation could present itself in the future if the HOA generates funds. There were no other questions of the proposed By-laws amendments and it was agreed that a vote would be held at the next meeting. Each proposed change will be voted on independent of the others.

The Questions or Concerns sessions were discussed, and it was decided by the group that these sessions would be conducted bi-monthly until there was no need. The next meeting will be Tuesday, Dec. 11th.


Call for Reports:

Mary Jo Rodgers gave an FMO update and shared the value of having representation at the local and state government level. She explained that the FMO provides for legal representation that protects mobile home owners from not only State regulation changes, but also from Landlord issues/conflicts. Membership ($25 yr.) includes a magazine, workshops, training on the Florida Statutes and contact information for your local reps. She encouraged everyone to join the FMO.

New Residents:

Bill & Marjorie Sabin, Lot 259

For the Good of the Order:

Dale asked residents to respect each other and not walk or drive through anyone’s lot without permission.

A resident expressed concern about an RV in the secured storage lot that is very dirty and can be seen from the road. An attempt to identify the owner and see if assistance is needed in washing it.

Cindy Ringler asked everyone to have a Park mailbox conveniently located. She is delivering in-park Christmas cards.

Jim McCallister asked that clarification on trash pickup be provided to Residents. Dale shared the week days for pick up and updates on what will be picked up by the Park and what the contracted trash service will pick up. Deborah volunteered to add this information to the HOA website pages.

Marita Stroud thanked her helpers for working hard to decorate the Clubhouse.

Sue Burgett reported on the upcoming activities. (These are posted throughout the Park and a copy for Residents can be picked up at Clubhouse.)

Meeting was adjourned at 6:50

Respectfully submitted by Deborah Iturralde, HOA Secretary.



November 13, 2018


Meeting called to order by President Dale Gray at 6:00 p.m.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said, and a Moment of Silence was held

Officers’ Rollcall was taken: Present were President Dale Gray, Vice-President Jim McCallister, Secretary Deborah Iturralde and Members-at-Large: Jesse Downhour, Mary Rodgers, Charlie Schneider, Wayne Tester and Ron Thompson. Absent was Mary Jo Hackett.

Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.


Old Business:

Dale reported that the mailbox hut lights are working – please do not turn off; the damaged speedbump at the park entrance has been replaced; fence is completed, and the water ultrafiltration system is still pending County approval.

Deborah Iturralde reported on safety issues previously brought up:

      ● Hillsborough County has “Yellow Dot” program for vehicles. A yellow dot on a vehicle indicates to emergency responders that there is medical information in the car glove compartment. There were limited numbers of yellow dot stickers and accompanying cards and were dispersed at end of meeting first come, first serve. Deborah would procure more before the next meeting. She also shared information on the File for Life program. The HCFR doesn’t currently have a grant to fund this and suggested that residents write out medical information and keep a copy on the fridge for first responders. Having multiple copies on hand allows the medic to take a copy with the unit in transport. She shared that the Fire Dept. spokesperson she met with said first responders always check fridge for medical info and cell phones. She shared his comment that all I-phones have an automatic app that allows first responders to access the medical information input by the phone’s owner without unlocking the phone. Android users can download a free app from their Google Play Store. Deborah will contact the Fire Dept. PR person to see if a guest speaker can come to discuss safety with the residents after first of year.

      ● Address numbers should be placed on the home according to County Regs to better assist first responders. Street numbers are to be 4 inches tall and 7 feet up and lot numbers are 3 inches tall and 3 feet up from the ground on the side of the house with the driveway.

      ● She shared costs of door/window alarms and motion lights that Management had purchased for Residents to conveniently buy. The items were available for purchase following the meeting.

Jesse Downhour gave report on sanding the shuffleboard pucks at a cost of $2.00 per puck versus paying $8.00 a piece for new ones. Plan is to resand 40 pucks. Dave Sampson still waiting on estimate to resurface. Jesse said company he had spoken with said it would take 90 days after resurfacing to get area ready for tournament play. This could impact the park’s ability to host a tournament next Spring.


New Business:

Dale asked for volunteers for the Nomination/Election Committee. This committee is responsible for preparing the slate of nominees for next year’s BOD elections. Four positions (as it stands now) are up for re-election; Secretary and three Members-at-Large. The President has the authority to appoint committee members and this may be done. Lyn Burgett, Dale Kittle and Karen Sarley volunteered to count ballots after the election. A Committee Chairperson is still needed.


Call for Reports:

FMO Representative Mary Rodgers explained the many benefits of belonging to the FMO and asked members to renew their memberships. She has the forms available.


For the Good of the Order

Sue Burgett shared that leaking water from the compressor flooded the Club House kitchen/bathroom area and this was just before the planned Veterans’ day celebration. She said they had attempted to contact Management for help but got no response. She asked that someone be delegated the “weekend” or “holiday” contact for emergency situations. She found two residents to help clean up the water.

She also requested a second safety handrail be installed at the pool to assist residents with exiting the pool. She turned in a Resident’s Concern form to the Office regarding this.

Ferol Thompson shared information on the Thanksgiving Food Drive and asked for assistance in collecting door to door and then delivering collection to Mary Martha House. Several volunteered.

Residents are concerned about an abundance of roaming cats. Please don’t feed feral cats.

Marita Stroud expressed concern about her leaning electric power box. Dale responded that it would be repaired when Teco came to move the green power box.

Shirley Nichols asked that someone be responsible for picking up the memorial stands in a timely manner. They are being left out too long in her opinion.

Thanksgiving Dinner will be provided for Residents and Guests on Thanksgiving Day. The park owners provide this in appreciation. Tickets must be bought by the 19th: $5.00 per Resident and $7.00 per Guest. At the dinner the Resident ticket will be reimbursed. This ensures an accurate count for the cooks.

Activities will host a Medicare Supplement speaker on Nov. 27th at 9:00.

Ray and Shirley Nichols will be honored at their 70th anniversary on the 27th.

A memorial service for Ray Kubacki will be held at 2:00 on Dec. 9th

HOA information was concluded. Sue Burgett gave an Activities report and Dale Gray called for motion to adjourn. Motion was made and seconded and the meeting adjourned at 6:40.

Respectfully submitted by Deborah Iturralde, HOA Secretary      Amended minutes approved.


PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO Chulavista Landings Homeowners’ Association Inc.  By-Laws 2014



1.Article 111. Officers -Elected

Section 1.  The officers shall consist of the following:  President, Vice-President, Secretary/Treasurer, and Six (6) members-at-large.   (9 total)

 Amended to Read:

Article 111. Officers-Elected

Section 1.  The officers shall consist of the following: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and three (3) members-at-large.   (7 total)


                    FOR ________                    AGAINST ________


2.Article V.  Secretary Section 4. Secretary  

The Secretary shall take a roll call of the Board and keep a correct record of the proceedings at all meetings and perform other duties as may be required.  The secretary will poll Board member’s votes, yes or no, at each Board Meeting and make them available to Chulavista Homeowners Association members upon request.

 Amended to Read:

          Article V. Secretary

Section 4. Secretary

The Secretary shall take a roll call of the Board and keep a correct record of the proceedings……… will poll Board member’s votes, yes or no, at each Board Meeting and make them available to Chulavista Landings Homeowners’ Association members upon request.  


FOR ________                    AGAINST ________


3.Article V. Duties of Officers


Section 5.  Trustee  


 Amended to Read:

Article V. Duties of Officers

Section 5.  Treasurer.  The Treasurer shall, by virtue of his/her position, be in charge of keeping and maintaining the financial records of the HOA corporation; including receipts, disbursements, and any other financial/bookkeeping responsibilities as deemed necessary. At the annual meeting, the Treasurer will present an audit report as required.


FOR ________                    AGAINST ________


4.Article Vlll. Committees

Section 1.  Audit Committee Trustees

The Audit Committee will meet at least annually to examine the financial accounts of the Activities and Security. The committee shall also meet at the request of a majority of the Board of Directors for specific functions.  


Amended to Read:

          Article VIII. Committees

          Section 1. Audit Committee Trustees

The Audit Committee will meet at least annually to examine the financial accounts of the HOA activities. The committee shall also meet at the request of a majority of the Board of Directors for specific functions.


FOR ________                    AGAINST ________


MAY 1, 2018

Meeting called to order by President Dale Gray at 6:00 PM.
Pledge of Allegiance was said and a Moment of Silence was held.
Roll Call was taken: Present were President Dale Gray, Secretary Deborah Iturralde and Members-at-Large: Mary Jo Hackett, Mary Rodgers, Charlie Schneider and Wayne Tester. Absent were VP Jim McCallister, Jesse Downhour and Ron Thompson.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and appro
Reports were called for:
    FMO report given by Mary Rodgers – It is time to renew FMO memberships, and please follow upcoming  
Old Business:
Outgoing mailbox has been repaired.
Mail hut light turned back on so it lights automatically again. Someone had turned it off.
Mary Jo Hackett shared information regarding the File of Life refrigerator magnet. She has a price of $.75 a piece, but would like summer to try to find a sponsor. It was explained again that the purpose is to have pertinent medical info handy for First Responders and is strictly voluntary.
Chainlink fencing has been completed between Handy’s, Betty Park and the cemetery; vinyl installation should begin soon.
Corporate paperwork has been filed.

New Business:
 New high-efficiency AC installed in Clubhouse should provide better cooling and be more cost efficient. It was discussed should it be turned off, and Dale informed the group that it took longer to cool down the building than to keep it cool.
For the Good of the Order
 Joyce Tubergren asked if new pedestal bases could be built for the memorial stands as the wind blows the old ones over routinely. President Gray said he would follow up on this.
Nancy and Glen Chinnis will be in charge of the recycling over the summer.
The Questions and Concerns meetings between Residents, HOA and Mgmt. will be held at 1:00 on the first Tuesday of the month over the summer. If anyone needs assistance sooner, please contact Mgmt. or a member of the HOA.
Next HOA meeting will be June 5, 2018
Motion to adjourn was made, seconded, approved and Dale Gray closed the meeting at 6:15.
Respectfully submitted by Deborah Iturralde, HOA Secretary


April 3, 2018



Meeting called to order by President Dale Gray at 6:00 PM.

Pledge of Allegiance was said and a Moment of Silence was held.

Roll Call was taken: Present were President Dale Gray, Vice-President Jim McCallister, Secretary Deborah Iturralde and Members-at-Large: Ron Thompson, Jesse Downhour, Mary Jo Hackett, Mary Rodgers, Charlie Schneider and Wayne Tester.

President Gray presented the Board’s findings regarding the current By-laws and referred residents to follow their copies of current version and suggested “corrections” and “updates.” Copies of these documents have been attached. As each Article/Section was presented there followed a discussion. A summary of these discussions follows:

      ● Article III: Board requested change to By-laws to read “Secretary, Treasurer, and three (3) members-at-large. Reason: Secretary’s role is extensive and while there is no HOA money presently, there is the possibility that there may be HOA funds collected, donated or held for specific purposes. The current Secretary is unable to act in a fiduciary manner due to her employer restrictions. This situation may or may not repeat itself in the future. Because the Board had other recommendations, it was thought prudent to request this change now and not be compelled to revise the By-laws in the near future. There has always been a Secretary and Treasure position in the HOA. The Board requested to remove the “/” and replace it with a “,”. If a Treasurer would be needed, the position would be filled at election time. Discussion was held and Linda Schwartz suggested that the proposed wording “and Treasurer” be replaced with “and/or Treasurer.” There was no opposition to this change.

Lyn Burgett asked why the change from six Members-at-large to 3. Dale Gray explained that unless stipulated by the By-laws, the FMO states that a Board should consist of 5 members. The Chulavista Landings HOA is presently at 9 members, and it has been hard to fill these positions in the past. The FMO recommendation is that Board members be tasked with responsibilities. The Board previously held an open discussion on task assignments and the ability to have a majority vote if the size of the Board was decreased by 3, to be eliminated by attrition.

  1.  Article V: Correct the wording in Section 4 to read Chulavista Landings Homeowners’ Association to be in compliance with the HOA Charter.


After extensive research it was verified by the Board that neither the Activities Committee, nor the Trustees are part of the Homeowners’ Association. However, the By-laws, going back many revisions, list the Trustees under “Officers.” For compliance purposes it is necessary to remove Section 5. Trustee from the HOA By-laws. This removal also includes the “NOTE: At the annual meeting, the following will be added to the agenda: Trustees’ Audit Committee Report.”

          Duties of the Officers must now include a separate description of duties of the Treasurer.

  1.  Article VIII: Correction to the Article V, Section 5 whereby the “Trustee” verbiage is removed requires that Section 1. Under this Article “Audit Committee Trustees” be removed. Committees will be Nominating/Election.

A lengthy discussion ensued with considerable and valid input from Residents and the Board. Mike Sandy, Lot 263 stated opposition to voting on all changes in a blanket vote. Sharon Van Alstine, Lot 371 suggested that the changes be broken out and presented individually for a vote at election time next fall. Several Residents supported this as it would allow more time for discussion on each proposal and could possible prevent a no vote on all issues.  Dale Gray asked for a motion to table this topic until the fall meeting. John Dester made a motion to table and Karen Peterman seconded it. The motion carried. The Board will entertain any discussion with Residents regarding this topic between now and then.

Old Business: Dale shared information on the new fencing that will enclose the park along Gulf City Road. It will be vinyl and has been ordered, is being paid for the Owners, will not be gated. A chain-link fence will be placed between CVL and Betty Park, the cemetery and Handy’s, with a gated pass-through to Handy’s.

Luau will be held Friday night.

Reverse osmosis system for water system is being reviewed because it changes the amount of water used. Permits are being checked.

Reported that light out at mailboxes again. Dale will follow-up (NOTE: LIGHT SWITCH WAS TURNED OFF      BY SOMEONE. HAS BEEN TURNED BACK ON.) Residents appreciated the lighting at Clubhouse back on.

Outgoing mailbox is loose and mail has been slipping out onto the ground. Dale will follow-up (NOTE: COVER HAD BEEN BENT. IT HAS BEEN REPAIRED.)

Dave & Helen Cook, Lot 260, asked that someone assist them with the recycling project over the summer. They will gladly resume it in the fall. Dale will get new, larger signage made for Recyles.

New Business: Dale explained the Personal Information sheet that accompanied the Rent Negotiation Notice. Most residents completed a similar form when they first moved in. the Office is asking for updated info in order to provide this necessary medical information should EMTs or Fire Rescue ever be called. It is strictly a voluntary act. The Board will look into a refrigerator magnet folder, similar to File of Life that many EMT/Sheriff’s Offices provide where this info can be placed in a prominent position on each Resident’s refrigerator.

Deborah informed Residents that HOA info now posted on CVL website and in the Chattings and Tuesday Questions and Concerns sessions will continue.

Deborah read the Minutes of the March 6, 2018 meeting and Mike Sandy, Lot 263 made motion to approve. Karen Sarley, Lot 248 seconded the motion and the minutes were approved as presented.

Reports Called for:

FMO –Mary Rodgers reported that on Nov. 6, 2018 both the House Bill 76 and the Senate Bill 76 need a “yes” vote to protect mobile home owners. She will provide more information at a future date.

Motion to adjourn was made, seconded, approved and Dale Gray closed the meeting at 7:35.


Respectfully submitted by Deborah Iturralde, HOA Secretary



March 6, 2018



Meeting called to order by President Joyce Tubergen at 6:00 PM.

Pledge of Allegiance was said and a Moment of Silence was held.

Roll Call was taken: Present were President Joyce Tubergen, Vice-President Karen Peterman, Secretary Deborah Iturralde and Officers: Dave Sampson, Ron Thompson, Carl Roark and Wayne Tester. Joyce read Barbara Kukel’s resignation dated Feb. 14, 2018. She has moved out of the park. Jesse Downhour was appointed to complete Barbara’s term, and he joined the Board at the front of the room.

Minutes of the Feb.6, 2018 were read and approved.

Joyce introduced the Rent Negotiation Committee and presented the proposal from the Park Owners. Particulars are that a 3-yr. contract was proposed stipulating increases of $13, $14, and $15 respectfully and to commence July 1, 2018. Joyce explained this is in fair market value based upon a 2017 survey done of neighboring parks with similar amenities. Alternate option is a one year lease to be renegotiated annually with a top-off rent increase of 7% possible. Park owner Dave Marger met with Board members, Park Management and the Negotiating Committee and discussed adding a system to improve the water quality for all residents, as well as, costs for installing fencing along Gulf City Road for the betterment of park security. Neither of these improvements are connected to the rate increase. Joyce read the Agreement and explained how each owner should vote his/her preference. Only 1 resident per unit is allowed a vote even if both are on the title.

Reports were asked for:

Trustee Bill Dohn gave the annual audit report (see attached). Ending balance Dec. 2017 $3447.37.

No Marina report

FMO – Mary Rodgers reminded everyone time for renewing FMO memberships

Sue Janssen gave Activities report, see posted activities at Clubhouse. Asked for someone to step up and take over Hotdog Tuesday or it will be discontinued after this month.

Old Business: None

New Business: Election of new officers: Joyce asked retiring Board members to stand and thanked them for their service. She then asked new Board members to come to the front to be sworn it. Retiring are Karen Peterman, Dave Sampson, Connie Spiewak, Joyce Tubergen, and Carl Roark. Newly sworn in Board members are Dale Gray, Jim McAllister, Charlie Schneider, Mary Jo Hackett, Jesse Downhour and Mary Rodgers.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:55 and the new Board remained and elected Dale Gray President and Jim McAllister as Vice-President. A meeting of the new Board is called for Friday, March 9, 2018 at 1:00 the Rec Hall.

Respectfully submitted by Deborah Iturralde, HOA Secretary