1. Should you get a Building Permit? Yes, a compliant Contractor will always request a permit be applied for.
2.) Will my contractor be able to finance my project? In general, a Contractor will not finance a project. Driscoll Construction Company has funding sources and will assist in the project application and process.
3.) Should I hire an architect? Depending on the age, size and type of project needed, an architecht is usually recommended.
4.) How do I know my Contractor is insured? A Certificate of Insurance should accompany the Building Permit application, issued to the Homeowner, the Mortgage Company and/or Title holder.
5.) During the project progress should I have inspections? Depending on the project, the necessary inspectors should make on- site inspections at their required code intervals. A Final Inspection on large additions and home renovation projects is a must.
6.) Should the Sub Contractors hired to work independantly on their phase of the project be insured? Yes, and they also apply for their own licenses in the Building Permit application process. The different ordinances always dominate these independant contractors.
7.) During a project is it OK to change my mind or plans? Yes, it is acceptable to change minor selections not value orienated. For example: I chose blue paint, but now I want beige. Be prepared that if you change or add material and labor costs, it may be an additional charge to your original contract. The Contractor will need to add a signed "Addendum" to your original contract to cover those expenses and to be included in the warranty of your contract.